Sunday, October 11, 2009

So my Dad says.....

..."I've made you a new place to take some pictures." It seems he had part of a large oak tree break off and fall during a storm a few weeks ago, and my dad, being one of those who doesn't waste a good tree, saw an opportunity for a great place to make a picture (hmmm, maybe that's where I got it from?). He removed the split part of the oak, sawed the trunk off level and filled the hole with concrete to make a seat. Anna Jo tested it for us this weekend. Thanks, Dad! It's perfect!! This is my Dad. He knows a thing or two about trees. He's been in the timber business for about 50 years.

And, of course, I'm an equal opportunity Daddy. So here's a couple of Madsy.

1 comment:

Josh W said...

That Tree makes a awesome bench!