Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Smaller, younger eyes

Someone once said the world looks different through the eyes of a child. My beautiful daughter, Anna Jo has picked up my love for photography. I often think she makes more creative pictures than I do. As any pround parent should, I thought I'd share two images she captured on a recent "picture adventure" of ours.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Some of you have asked how Madalyn's birthday party went, or more specifically, wanted me to post a few pictures. The party went GREAT! Nearly our whole family was there, even Uncle Nic got into the *party* spirit! Mads didn't get into the cake like we thought she would, but for those of you who would be disappointed if you didn't see a chubby face with cake all over it~ see the bottom picture~

Thanks for the cake @ Main Street Station, Aunt Traci!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

All Star Senior

As promised. A few more shots of this LCHS All-Star Senior.


Dawg. One of my "nephews". He slobbers and licks himself. ~Fits right in~

Good Dog.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Big "1"

Happy First Birthday, Madalyn.
Hard to believe that a year ago we were introduced to our beautiful Madalyn. She, much like her older sister, has grown up with the camera lens in her face, but she seems to enjoy it just as much as Anna Jo. If you don't know Mads, she's a little more like her Dad than her Mom. You know, mild temper and really laid back. Mischief seems to run wild in her, but there's nothing better than a kiss and a "five" to go with that big grin.

Monday, February 16, 2009


At ten minutes past bedtime, Anna Jo prances into the living room and says "How do you like my outfit?" Then she decides to strike several poses and demand an impromtu photo session. Did I mention it was ten minutes past bedtime? As if that wasn't enough, she decided to forfeit her nightly bedtime story to allow me to edit and post her pictures on the blog. A proper father would've recognized the late hour and ordered his four year old daughter to bed right away and possibly worked on the pictures the next day. What did I do?
I am one man in a house full of women.
I said "Yes ma'am."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Daddy is a Fireman

We're seldom named in poems,
though we do have charm and poise,
Firemen never seem to have girls, it's always BOYS,BOYS,BOYS!
Well, my Daddy's a fireman, and I'm proud as I can be,
While my name isn't Tommy or Billy, He loves me 'cause I'm me.
He needs both me and Mommy to remind him of things to do,
like going to church on Sunday and emptying the garbage, too.
One day he took me with him to his firehouse downtown,
I sat in the big red engine and pushed the Q siren down.
At times I like to fool him and make believe I'm asleep at night,
He'd whisper before he leaves for a call,
"nite-nite, don't let the bed-bugs bite!"
Plese don't tell anybody, I once saw my Daddy cry,
He fought a real bad fire and told Mommy he saw someone die.
Why does he fights these fires? I guess I'm too young to know.
He's always helping people and that's why I love him so.
The reason I wrote this poem is to explain the best I can,
Girls, just like boys, can say with pride-

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Hard Hitter

Just a few shots of a hard hitting Liberty County High senior. Look for a few more of this talented young man in the near future.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Doesn't this look like fun? A 4 year old and an 11 month old + 2 giant Hershey Bars + 1 Heart full of Chocolate Candy= a mess, and a few pictures, too. I'm not big on studio type shots, but this is what the boss wanted. By the way, taking candy from a baby~ not a good idea~

Happy Valentine's Day from the entire B's gang!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Got It!!

There are times during a photo session that something happens that's beyond "cute" or "cool" or "wicked awesome" and, as a photographer, we're lucky if we catch it. I'm usually looking the opposite direction, changing a lens or watching an airplane fly over. During this session, the perfect "cute" moment happened not once, but twice. When I missed the shot I looked over at Caroline and she just smiled and said "I got it!"

Yes You Did!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Fine Match...

This couple was a fine match~ for each other and this beautiful location......