Sunday, November 30, 2008

Just a tractor~

Maybe so, but you can make it anything you want it to be~ Right Caroline?

These tractor images were captured by B's new assistant, Caroline. You may remember her from some of our previous posts such as ~ROKR BEE~ and ~"C" is For Cowgirl?~ You'll be seeing her at many of our photo sessions. Great Job, Caroline!

It's Christmas Time Pretty Baby!

Didn't Elvis sing that song? The Hoaglands were looking sharp today for their Christmas pics!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Wonder Twin Powers~

ACTIVATE! Always fun catching images of these two wonder twins.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

We're ~Nuts~ About Thanksgiving

Yes, it was a bad pun. Just wanted to share a few pictures from our Thanksgiving lunch at "Nana & PawPaw's" house. Anna Jo has found the joy in collecting pecans for those not young enough to bend over and pick them up. Madalyn found even greater joy in dumping out her sister's bucket!

A Heavenly Family~

Had the opportunity to capture a photo of our pastor and his entire family. One of the blessings of the Thanksgiving Holidays~ family (and pie).

A Beautiful Fall Day...

A beautiful day and a beautiful family.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nothing is Safe~

Since Madalyn has become "mobile" nothing at our house is safe~ not even Big Sister's prized action figure collection. On the bright side Mads can learn about the Star Wars effect. What's that you ask? Just ask Anna Jo, anytime you're in a crowd and you need something to talk about~ bring up Star Wars. Someone there will be a fan and will be glad to make conversation about their favorite bounty hunter or even show you their best Darth Vader impression. Brooke says it's because we nerds tend to find each other. Maybe so, but at least its good clean fun.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pickin' and Grinnin'

Another one of our Super Seniors! GO BHS!! This tough guy fought off a cold and the cold to do a little pickin' and grinnin' for B's. Had a great time today!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

FighterFighter Boo~Boo and MiShuler

We're all given "nicknames" by those around us. And, given the amount of time it has taken me to finish and post these, I'm surprised I haven't gained a new one! LOL!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Are We Bad Parents?

So it's nearly 9:00pm~on a school night~ and we're all up watching Star Wars (well, three of us are watching) eating fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and playing with "googley eyes". Are we bad parents? Maybe so, but we're FUN!!!

How Exciting!!!

It's been nine months today since our family was in this beautiful couple's shoes! Funny how time flies when you're not sleeping~ Due date's close, so we did this entire session with our fingers crossed, hoping she'd hold off~ because Fireman Ben "don't know nothin' bout birthin' no babies". These guys were great sports. Congrats Jess & Drew!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

All Smiles~

These two were all smiles, today. Except for the photographer's occasional corny joke.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Spider and a Jedi~

No Halloween is complete without the wearing of at least one spider ring. You are only limited by the number of fingers you have. Also note the cunning and calculated lightsaber techniques of the Jedi. Too quick for even the fastest shutter speed~
...more to come later.....