Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's called a "Q"

Why not "F"? That's what's on the front. Either way, it's the insanely loud siren on the front bumper of our new fire engine. A quick snap made for a good image. Coudn't resist posting. Big excitement for my "real job" at the fire department~ after almost a year of waiting our new fire engine (what Brooke says is my third child) is about to arrive. I'll post a few more images later in the week!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Queen of Blountstown...

It's not every day that one is commissioned by the Queen to take pictures as royal as these~

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Close Competition~

~you'll notice, she's even designed her own logo~

~not sure about her choice in subjects~

Anna Jo has been interested in her own style of photography for a while now. So today she upgraded to a little fancier camera (a never ending part of photography). The top two images captured by Anna Jo and edited with a little help from Dad. The bottom two show what's in store for the future of B's Photo. You'll see that Madalyn is hot on AJ's heels.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Had a chance to get in a few shots at an exciting Blountstown Middle School vs. Tolar Middle School football game. 6-0 Tigers!! Great job. I think those spunky cheerleaders had a lot to do with it!!
By the way~ that last shot was the game winning touchdown with less than 20 seconds left on the scoreboard!!! How about that for luck, I mean timing!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Super Senior

This Super Senior has style and a great personality to match!

Keep an eye on our new website for a High School Senior Special!!

If you're interested in our Senior Package and can't wait until the weekend~ drop us a line at and ask about the "Senior Special".

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Barefoot Princess

This barefoot princess doesn't need shoes~ she floats along like the angel she is....