Sunday, May 10, 2009

Seeing is Believing

Funny how God works, sometimes. In the middle of God doing some profound changing in my life, I found out about how He is working over in Liberty County through a group of people to reach the youth. My friend Hilary invited me to the first ever One Voice youth rally. Just yards from my Dad's old office in the Hosford/Telogia area, I discovered a new way to worship. No, the Christian Rock band wasn't exactly my thing (a little too intense for this old guy), but your message was there, guys. Friday night I learned to worship through my lens, capturing the hands upraised, clasped together in prayer or waving and clapping for joy. Thanks Hil, for giving me the opportunity to learn this new way to worship God. Here's a few of images from the One Voice rally. The next one will be June 12th in Bristol. Stay tuned for more info.


Anonymous said...

Ben, thank you for taking the time to come and capture these moments. It did my heart good to see young people praising and worshipping God and not being ashamed to do it! God is going to do great things in Calhoun County too, so get ready! I'm excited. God is good!! :-)

Heather Parramore

Anonymous said...

Ben, I've got to say you've got talent in capturing the moments! I wasn't able to go to the ONEVOICE Youth Rally, but your pictures were still able to move me to chills! I believe my mom and I will be getting up with you to see about getting some copies of the band that my brother is in.
God Bless!

Kayla Sumner